Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thalia dealbata --- Chapter 5 (continued): Aquatic Plants, Macrophytes, Agroforestry in Ecological Wastewater-Treatment Systems (color photos)

Chapter 5: Aquatic Plants, Macrophytes, Halophytes, Hydroponic Vegetables, Trees, and Agroforestry in Ecological Wastewater-Treatment Systems -- Selected Color Photographs

Aquatic macrophyte species can be used in soil- and substrate-bed systems, such as reed beds and constructed wetlands. A brief introduction to these systems is presented in this section; detailed discussions of these systems are presented in Chapter 6. In wastewater-treatment wetlands (commonly called "treatment wetlands"), aquatic plants and macrophytes are known to have the following important functions (Brix, 1997):1. Stabilize the soil and surface of the treatment beds.
2. Provide conditions for physical filtration of wastewater.
3. Prevent clogging in the media (e.g., sand and gravel) in vertical-flow wetlands
4. Insulate the surface of the treatment system against winter frosts and shield thewetland from climatic variations.
5. Furnish substrate and a large surface area for attached-growth treatment by microorganisms and biofilm.

Photographs of Thalia dealbata
Views of Thalia dealbata Fraser ex Roscoe, commonly called hardy water canna, powdery thalia, and powdery alligator-flag. This robust perennial macrophyte is robust and native to the United States. This species can be used in constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment.

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