Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Chapter 5: Aquatic Plants, Macrophytes, Halophytes, Hydroponic Vegetables, Trees, Agroforestry in Ecological Wastewater-Treatment Systems---cont.

Photographs of Young Green Taro Plants, Colocasia esculenta

Views of young green taro green taro plants (Colocasia esculenta [L.] Schott., or C. antiquorum) growing in nursery containers. This aquatic plant forms an edible, tuberous root stock. This species can grow up to 5 feet (1.5 meters) tall, with a 2-foot (60-centimeter) spread. The green taro's large green leaves are shaped like elephants' ears. This species is winter-hardy and deciduous. It can be used to polish wastewater in the final stages of treatment in constructed wetlands. (Photographs by Jo-Shing Yang)

Chapter 5: Aquatic Plants, Macrophytes, Halophytes, Hydroponic Vegetables, Trees, and Agroforestry in Ecological Wastewater-Treatment Systems

Chapter 5 (Continued): Aquatic Plants

Photographs of Myriophyllum aquaticum
Views of an oxygenating plant commonly called water milfoil, diamond milfoil, or parrot's feather growing in nursery containers and ponds. This plant species—Myriophyllum aquaticum (Vell.) Verdt., Myriophyllum brasiliense Camb., or Myriophyllum proserpinacoides Gillies ex Hook. & Arn.—is highly invasive and should be planted in self-contained ecosystems (preferably in tanks or other types of containers) so as to prevent it from contaminating the local natural ecosystems. This plant species can be used in constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment. (Photographs by Jo-Shing Yang)

Chapter 5: Aquatic Plants, Macrophytes, Halophytes, Hydroponic Vegetables, Trees, Agroforestry in Ecological Wastewater-Treatment Systems---cont.

Photographs of Ranunculus repens L.
Views of Ranunculus repens L., commonly called creeping buttercup or variegated buttercup. A perennial with yellow-green leaves and yellow flowers, it grows to 6 inches tall (15 centimeters). This species is ideal for constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment. (Photographs by Jo-Shing Yang)

Chapter 5: Aquatic Plants, Macrophytes, Halophytes, Hydroponic Vegetables, Trees, Agroforestry in Ecological Wastewater-Treatment Systems---cont.

Photographs of Alisma plantago-aquatica
Views of young American waterplantains (Alisma plantago-aquatica L. in the waterplantain family, Alismataceae) growing in nursery containers inside a greenhouse. This species is a deciduous perennial with strikingly long leaf stalks. The macrophyte can grow in water up to 6 inches (15 centimeters) deep, can grow up to 30 inches (75 centimeters) tall, with a spread of 18 inches (45 centimeters). This species can be used in constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment. (Photographs by Jo-Shing Yang)

Chapter 5 (continued): Color photographs of Eleocharis dulcis

Photographs of Eleocharis dulcis

Four photographs of young striped rushes (Eleocharis dulcis variegatus) growing in nursery containers. Growing in shallow water, this hardy and sturdy species can grow in full sun or partial shade and survive all winter. This species, commonly called Chinese water chestnuts or water chestnuts, can be used in a constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment, or in an ecologically engineered wastewater-treatment system. (Photographs by Jo-Shing Yang)

Chapter 5: Aquatic Plants, Macrophytes, Halophytes, Hydroponic Vegetables, Trees, Agroforestry in Ecological Wastewater-Treatment Systems---cont.

Thalia dealbata --- Chapter 5 (continued): Aquatic Plants, Macrophytes, Agroforestry in Ecological Wastewater-Treatment Systems (color photos)

Chapter 5: Aquatic Plants, Macrophytes, Halophytes, Hydroponic Vegetables, Trees, and Agroforestry in Ecological Wastewater-Treatment Systems -- Selected Color Photographs

Aquatic macrophyte species can be used in soil- and substrate-bed systems, such as reed beds and constructed wetlands. A brief introduction to these systems is presented in this section; detailed discussions of these systems are presented in Chapter 6. In wastewater-treatment wetlands (commonly called "treatment wetlands"), aquatic plants and macrophytes are known to have the following important functions (Brix, 1997):1. Stabilize the soil and surface of the treatment beds.
2. Provide conditions for physical filtration of wastewater.
3. Prevent clogging in the media (e.g., sand and gravel) in vertical-flow wetlands
4. Insulate the surface of the treatment system against winter frosts and shield thewetland from climatic variations.
5. Furnish substrate and a large surface area for attached-growth treatment by microorganisms and biofilm.

Photographs of Thalia dealbata
Views of Thalia dealbata Fraser ex Roscoe, commonly called hardy water canna, powdery thalia, and powdery alligator-flag. This robust perennial macrophyte is robust and native to the United States. This species can be used in constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment.

Chapter 5: Aquatic Plants, Macrophytes, Halophytes, Hydroponic Vegetables, Trees, and Agroforestry in Ecological Wastewater-Treatment Systems

Chapter 5: Aquatic Plants, Macrophytes, Halophytes, Hydroponic Vegetables, Trees, and Agroforestry in Ecological Wastewater-Treatment Systems -- Selected Color Photographs

In nature, plants (with associated microorganisms and organisms) growing in aquatic and terrestrial environments are important for waste filtering, degradation, and transformation. Researchers and ecological designers have long recognized plants' ecosystem functions in wastewater purification; they have incorporated aquatic plants, also called macrophytes, as crucial components in ecological and natural wastewater-treatment systems to stimulate "nature's way" of treating wastewater (i.e., how natural processes act on wastewater). Plants also can be cultivated to combine wastewater treatment with agriculture and aquaculture, as in China, where people for at least 2,000 years have used aquatic plants and trees to recycle nutrients in organic wastes and wastewater; the plant biomass generated is then composted for fertilizer, used as green fodder and fed to domestic animals, or grown as crops and consumed directly as grains, vegetables, and fruits. Plants also can be integrated in agricultural landscape design and management, as in Estonia, which has used vegetated bioponds, bioditches, buffer strips, and moor filters to prevent water pollution by agricultural and municipal runoff into natural waterways. A wide variety of ways to incorporate algae, macrophytes, and microphytes (tiny aquatic plants) in fully operating and experimental ecological wastewater-treatment systems will be discussed in this chapter.

Photographs (Row 1): Acorus grammineus (variety "Ogon")
Views of an evergreen macrophyte, Acorus grammineus (variety Ogon), commonly called Golden Acorus, which can be planted in shallow water and grows to 1 foot tall. The aquatic plant can be planted in both sunny or shady areas of the natural wastewater-treatment system. (Photographs by Jo-Shing Yang)
Photographs (Row 2): Saggitaria latifolia
Views of Sagittaria latifolia Willd., often called arrowhead, wapato, or arrow leaf. It grows edible tubers (wapato) underground, which were used as food by Native Americans. Native to North America, it is a rhizomatous perennial that grows in shallow water of ponds, wetlands, lake margins, and ditches. It can grow to 3 feet tall and has white, three-petaled flowers. (Photographs by Jo-Shing Yang)
Photographs (Row 3): Saggitaria lancifolia (Variety "Rubura")
The bulltongue arrowhead (Saggitaria lancifolia L., var. "Rubura") with red stems, which can grow 3 to 4 feet tall. Also called "duck potato," it is considered an invasive species in some ecosystems; this perennial provides food (underground, potato-like corn) for ducks and mammalian wildlife. (Photographs by Jo-Shing Yang)
Photographs (Row 4): Mimulus gattatus
Views of Mimulus gattatus DC., common (yellow) monkeyflower, seep monkeyflower, or creek monkeyflower, growing in nursery containers. Native to North America, this macrophyte is a perennial commonly found in natural marshes, along stream-banks, near springs, and in wet meadows. It can be planted in both constructed wetlands and vegetated buffer systems for wastewater polishing and pollution prevention. When using this species outside North America, efforts must be made to prevent its spread into natural ecosystems. Harvested plant biomass can be used to produce energy (biogas, consisting of 65% methane) and biological fertilizer (compost). (Photographs by Jo-Shing Yang)

Photographs (Row 5): Mimulus gattatus
Views of young Acorus grammineus "Pusillus" Soland. in Ait. ("Variegatus"). This species has three varieties (Ogon, shown here in Row 1). Commonly called Japanese sweetflag, variegated acorus, or grassy-leaved sweet flag, it is a perennial that grows in marshes and streambanks. It can reach 18 inches; it has shiny, dark-green, narrow leaves forming grassy tufts (the spread is 6 to 8 inches). This species can be used in constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment. (Photographs by Jo-Shing Yang)

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Chapter 8: Living Machines and Solar Aquatics--Examples of Integrated, Ecological Wastewater-Treatment Systems

Chapter 8: Living Machines and Solar Aquatics: Examples of Integrated, Ecological Wastewater-Treatment Systems.
** Chapter 8 has a detailed discussion of several types of integrated ecological wastewater-treatment systems, which have incorporated many components (such as anaerobic ponds, aerobic ponds, aquaculture, constructed wetlands, algae ponds) into complete systems. Of all commercially available systems, perhaps the best known are the Living Machines and Solar Aquatics first developed by Canadian marine biologist and environmentalist Dr. John Todd. While Living Machines systems are designed to use many of the same basic wastewater-treatment processes employed in conventional facilities—such as anaerobic and aerobic microbial degradation of organic compounds, clarification, filtration, sedimentation, nitrification, denitrification, attached growth, suspended growth, and volatilization (or vaporizing and releasing of volatile organic compounds from wastewater surfaces to the atmosphere)—they can be operated without chemicals and fossil-fuel energy. Indeed, while conventional wastewater treatment is often energy- and chemical-intensive, the Living Machine systems are relatively self-sufficient and ecologically sustainable.Please refer to Chapter 8 of this book for more photographs and schematics of this type of treatment systems. You can also contact the author through for more information.

Photographs: An open, aerobic bioreactor covered with aquatic plants, in Sonoma, California, U.S.A. Bacteria and other microorganisms attach to the plants' roots and survive by breaking down organic matter in the wastewater. Natural oxygenation occurs with plant photosynthesis. The clarifier on the left is covered with water hyacinth to prevent algal growth. Clarifiers can also be covered with other types of aquatic plants, such as duckweed. Clarifiers are also called sedimentation or settling tanks, as they allow (1) natural sedimentation by gravity, which requires no chemicals and aeration (thus, no electricity is required to power mechanical aerators); and (2) plant uptake and absorption of organic nutrients and dissolved solids in wastewater so that no chemicals to settle the solids and to thicken the sludges are required. Plants growing on the water surface (in this case, common water hyacinth) shade out algae. The sludge solids are then pumped to the reed beds where they are dewatered, composted, and stored for several years. The wastewater is then piped into the ecological fluidized beds. (Photographs and copyright by Jo-Shing Yang.)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Chapter 1 --- Solving Global Water Crises and Restoring the Environment with Ecological Engineering --- Color photographs

Chapter 1: The Coming Wars over Water?

1.3 Who Will Control the Water? Privatization, Corporatization, Militarization, and Globalization of Water and Water Rights.

Since readers of the miniaturized, black-and-white paperback version of the book don't have access to color photographs, I'm posting some of them here. Please refer to the pages and figure numbers indicated.

Figure 1-10 (page 15) / Photograph by Jo-Shing Yang
Riot police arrested a nonviolent anti-biotechnology protester at the BIO 2004 Conference, a gathering of approximately 17,000 biotechnology-industry representatives and 2,000 companies in San Francisco, California, U.S.A., on June 8, 2004. The police carried away a peaceful protester to a police truck.